We don’t like carrying keys. Our house and garage have keypad locks. Our kids can use keypads too. I recommend using an electronic keypad lock for RV’s. At the time I couldn’t find anyone on the internet who had installed one in a Casita. I took a chance, bought one, and it fit! Note this for 17′ Casitas with the flat doors, not the 13 or 16 footers with the curved doors.
Update: The newer RV locks looks a little different than my photos and includes a wireless key fobs.

The deadbolt operates electronically with 4 “AA” batteries. You set a 4 digit code and punching it in opens the lock. Pushing the bottom 2 buttons at the same time locks the door. The keypad does beep, but I don’t mind it.
I leave a key in our tow vehicle (it has a keypad too!) just in case the batteries die or it quits working. So far, so good.
To install it, remove the screws and the old lock comes apart. Then remove the 2 screws on the end of the door holding the deadbolt. Remove the old silicone sealant from the outside of the door. Next, assemble the new lock in the reverse order. The keypad has a gasket so it doesn’t need to be siliconed in place like the old one.
Update: After installing a few and getting calls from customers, I’ve found that sometimes the hole in the door needs to be opened up a little more for clearance. Sometimes you can’t raise the lock high enough to get the 2 screws in the faceplate. A little work with a Dremel tool and it’ll fit.
Insert the batteries and program your custom code and you’re all done.
So it was a direct replacement?
Yes, it fit right in with no modifications needed.
In addition to the convenience, would you say it is a safer, more secure lock?
I’d say it’s the same level of security. Like all RV locks with an “M” embossed in the main latch- any RV master key can open it. Not secure. The deadbolt however has its own specific key. It has the same security level as the old one. But, I think it’s “safer” because I can open the door with just a key code and that makes it easier for our family.
Do you think this would fit a Scamp door?
No, it won’t fit Scamps or 13’/16′ Casitas with the curved molded doors. Only the rectangle RV standard type doors.
Do I just pull the silicone off? I have an issue with the deadbolt sticking and locking me out so would like to replace the lock and this looks like it would be a good option.
Yes, I carefully use a razor blade after the lock is removed.
Thanks for the mod Greg! Since posting this in April 2019, are you still satisfied with this lock? I’m about ready to tackle this soon!
It works great! We love it.
It didn’t fit our 2013 Casita Independence. What year is your trailer?
2009 but I’ve installed several. They take some work, some the hole needed to be opened up a little more with a saw.
June 8, 2020
HI Greg,
Do you think this lock would work on my 16′ casita, 1996. Door handle is failing. If not what other door handle/lock would you recommend?? Please help
No sorry it only works on the 17’s. The 16 has the paddle handle, casita sells a replacement.
Would this fit a 1998 Spirit Deluxe? It’s 17′
I wish I knew. I can only assume they’re the same, but I’ve never done one on the old style doors. If you try it out and it fits, please let me know!
Thanks for all your information on this website. I attempted to install the Bauer keyless lock (the lockset in the amazon link above) on my 2011 Spirit Deluxe and found that my door opening is to large for the lockset. My opening is 4.25″ x 2.75″. The Bauer unit requires an opening of 3.75″ x 2.75″. After a couple of hours if internet research, I couldn’t find a lockset that would fit my opening. Bummer.
Thank you both for your service. Will this lock work on 2002 liberty deluxe 17 ft.
It “should”, but I’ve seen a few folks that had different size cut outs in their doors. The only way to tell for sure is to pop your lock out and measure the hole.
All I need is the entrance, larger key for my 2005 Freedom Deluxe. What size would that be and can I order them online. I don’t see the larger ones on the Casita Store website.
The keys I have now are Walmart copies and the locksmith is having trouble making copies from them unless I drive the camper over to his business, which I would love to avoid. Thanks!
It would be cheaper to just buy whole new RV lock and use the keys it comes with than paying a locksmith.
My opening is 4.75″ tall x 2.75″ wide. Do you know of a lock that will cover that big hole? Or maybe a technique to fill the hole and cut a smaller one?
Why is the hole so large? THey’re normally 2.75 by 3.25. Do you have a photo?
It is a 2012. They used an odd size for a few years. I sent an email with photos.
I also have a 2012 with the 4.75″ tall x 2.75″ wide hole. Haven’t been able to find a lock to fit it. Has anyone found a modification short of replacing the door?