Screened Door Pet Guard

by Greg Zimmerman
Published: Updated:

We needed to pet-proof the screened door. I didn’t like the commercially available RV pet grates because they had poor reviews and appeared flimsy.

I settled on aluminum flattened expanded mesh. None of the local hardware stores had it so I ordered a piece from It was expensive, but they cut to size, so I didn’t have to mess with getting straight edges. The size needed for a Casita door is 20″x18.5″. The panel was $25 plus $20 for shipping. You might be able to find cheaper mesh at your local hardware store.

I painted both sides with Rusoleum Satin Black spray paint. To install the guard, I used #8 x 1/2″ long stainless sheet metal screws and washers after drilling 1/8″ holes in the door frame. It came out great and no more worries about the dog turning the screen into a “doggie door”. It also still lets air through and doesn’t get “smudgy” like plexiglass would.



Lee May 20, 2019 - 7:43 pm

That sure is a professional looking installation and very functional too.

Sean June 17, 2020 - 1:36 am

This is a great idea we need to install for our little pups. What mesh size did you end up going with? 0.5″ or 0.75″?

Greg Zimmerman June 17, 2020 - 8:52 am

0.5″ The embedded link takes you to the exact product I used.

B moore December 19, 2021 - 7:25 pm

His link automatically loads what he bought. I did same thing (from his link and dimensions) and added rubber on edges, works great.

William M. Van Cleave March 5, 2023 - 9:48 am

I just completed this screen door modification. It came out great!

P March 13, 2023 - 8:05 am

I found the same material at Lowe’s in a 2×8 sheet, I cut it to fit, painted it, finished the edges with the trim used in tub surrounds, just glues on. Then screws on. About $10-$12 and it has been 5 years with a border collie.

Rob June 22, 2023 - 4:40 pm

Thank you for this. After the dog went through the screen I was wondering how to keep him in.


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