We needed to pet-proof the screened door. I didn’t like the commercially available RV pet grates because they had poor reviews and appeared flimsy.
I settled on aluminum flattened expanded mesh. None of the local hardware stores had it so I ordered a piece from onlinemetals.com It was expensive, but they cut to size, so I didn’t have to mess with getting straight edges. The size needed for a Casita door is 20″x18.5″. The panel was $25 plus $20 for shipping. You might be able to find cheaper mesh at your local hardware store.
I painted both sides with Rusoleum Satin Black spray paint. To install the guard, I used #8 x 1/2″ long stainless sheet metal screws and washers after drilling 1/8″ holes in the door frame. It came out great and no more worries about the dog turning the screen into a “doggie door”. It also still lets air through and doesn’t get “smudgy” like plexiglass would.

That sure is a professional looking installation and very functional too.
This is a great idea we need to install for our little pups. What mesh size did you end up going with? 0.5″ or 0.75″?
0.5″ The embedded link takes you to the exact product I used.
His link automatically loads what he bought. I did same thing (from his link and dimensions) and added rubber on edges, works great.
I just completed this screen door modification. It came out great!
I found the same material at Lowe’s in a 2×8 sheet, I cut it to fit, painted it, finished the edges with the trim used in tub surrounds, just glues on. Then screws on. About $10-$12 and it has been 5 years with a border collie.
I did the same thing for my Casita screen door, except I was able to cut the metal mesh to fit flush into the bottom and side slots on the screen door with minor prying. I only needed to use three #8 ⁸x 1/2″ screws to attach the top into the frame. Like you I painted the mesh extrusion Rust-Oleum Satin Black which is an exact match to the screen door finish. No more screen replacements due to our little dog scratching when we leave him behind on the camper. I’m with you that it looks better and functions better than the expandable versions sold in hardware stores.
Thank you for this. After the dog went through the screen I was wondering how to keep him in.